:::::crackin up laughin::::::
For all you Myspace, Facebook, and Black Planet heads…..
Are you tired of getting hit on via web? Are you sick of guys/ girls saying things like ; “ you seem like a really sweet cool person, I wanna get to know you”?.... and the most you've ever said to each other was "hi".. well ..........................
Well, before I go any further.. check out the message I go on Myspace..
----------------- Original Message -----------------From: kevinDate: Aug 27, 2008 10:38 AMwats good chavi how u u have beautiful skin and a smile u have a man hit me back
--------- Original Message -----------------
From: ChaviDate: 27 Aug 2008, 02:19 PMaww thanks, that’s really sweet of you. .. Actually I’m not looking. I’m going through a bit of a Divorce, and I’m just on chill mode. But I appreciate your compliment… that’s sweet. Thank you.
----------------- Original Message -----------------From: kevinDate: Aug 27, 2008 2:38
ur husband messed up wit u bad look at u u fine sweet beautiful smart caring u honest charming wonderful sexy women if i was ur husband i treat u like a queen babii would i even charish u be there 4 u and im a very good hearted guy i do all ov dat 4 u. you just gotta give me some ov yo time I can do da rest fa you. You need a man who can make you feel good. Let me do dat
……………… ok, I see sooooo many things wrong with this picture.. .
1) learn how to spell.. How are you going to pick up on some chicks if you spelling 2 letter words wrong…? Huh?
2) I made it very clear that I was not looking, yet he KNOWS that my “husband” messed up.
3) If you never met me, how do you know I’m honest, charming and smart?... I could be a stupid mean liar.
So, why am I bothered by this? BECAUSE, it’s sad to see people sale out! Don’t do that!! That aint cool!.. You look soooo desperate. Is it really that bad? So now my question is, how do you handle stuff like that? The guy clearly does this to every cute female he happens to stumble upon, so we all know he’s a pro at “ internet stalking”… lol I just wish there was some type of filter for folks who do crap like this. I mean, I’m not perfect, and I’m not saying he’s beneath me, but dang… come on yall… he reeeeally laid it on thick with this one.
Just thought I’d share that with ya.
7 Days Doesn't Make 1 Weak
A lil play on words on that one..
But in my quest for growth, I will be going through a few steps to find a
better understanding of few things. In life, I'...
15 years ago
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